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Winners celebrated at the 2023 Premier’s Awards

The 12th annual Premier’s Awards in Energy and Mining was held on November 9 in South Australia, where the best of South Australia’s energy and mining industries were celebrated.

A total of 55 nominations resulted in 14 winners and 14 commendations across the 15 categories.

Young women dominated the ceremony’s individual award categories, which recognise future leaders under 30 in sectors that have traditionally been male dominated.

BHP’s Lakita Kean won the Young Indigenous Achiever Award. Kean started at BHP as the only Indigenous person in her department.

“(Kean) works to improve workforce inclusion and diversity and helped form the Olympic Dam First Nations Ally Network,” the SA Department for Energy and Mining said.

BHP’s Georgia Sleep took home the Young Achiever Award. Sleep supports Olympic Dam’s 3000 FIFO (fly-in, fly-out) workers as a village supervisor.

“She works every day to lead with integrity and care with a strong commitment to community,” the SA Department for Energy and Mining said.

Other Premier’s Awards winners from the resources sector included: 

  • Community: BHP and Spencer Gulf Cities for Upper Spencer Gulf socio-economic knowledge base update.
  • Health and safety: KAEFER Integrated Services for its SAFE hands campaign.
  • Inclusion and wellbeing: KAEFER Integrated Services for its scaffold traineeship program.
  • Innovation and collaboration: BHP and CiDRA Minerals Processing for their partnership for a grind circuit rougher at Carrapateena.
  • Productivity and improvement: Fleet Space Technologies for ExoSphere by Fleet.

The Federal Government is expected to invest about $2.2 billion in SA through the National Skills Agreement to build the state’s skills and prosperity.

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