News, Technology

Australian mining tech launches on world stage

mining technology

Mining technology company Veracio has launched a new suite of orebody knowledge tools aiming to improve, automate and digitally transform global resource production.

Veracio debuted the technologies at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference, held in Toronto from March 3–6.

The Adelaide-based company launched three new mining tools, including:

  • TruScan 2, featuring HyperXRFTM: a mineralogical solution for co-registered data streams from both hyperspectral and XRF scanning supported by enhanced QA/QC
  • TruProbe: an integrated app, cloud and stackable hardware solution combining both rig and downhole sensing technologies
  • Strata: Veracio’s cloud technology environment for streamlined connection to the company’s hardware.

“This portfolio represents just the beginning of our journey,” Veracio chief on innovation Mine Ravella said.

“We are constantly evolving, striving to pioneer the next-generation orebody knowledge and bring it to the forefront of the industry.”

The company formerly operated as Boart Longyear’s geological data services division before striking out on its own last year as a wholly owned subsidiary.

Veracio recently acquired scanning and data company Minalyze in a $US29.3 million bid to transform the way the mining  industry captures, analyses, and interprets geological information.

Veracio said the aim is to usher in an era of informed mining decision-making in an increasingly complex and data-driven world.

“In just one year – from introducing Veracio to the world to now – our progress has been remarkable,” Ceracio chief executive officer JT Clark said.

“Our new technologies, our team’s dedication, and our strategic acquisitions like Minalyze have all been steps towards realising our overarching vision of transforming how we capture and utilise orebody knowledge, from exploration to production.”

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